

Symposium zum Food-Water-Energy Nexus

Die HFT Stuttgart hei?t Forscher und G?ste willkommen, die sich mit dem komplexen System des Food-Water-Energy Nexus Energie auseinandersetzen.

Die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen st?dtischen Plattform zur Maximierung von Synergien im Lebensmittel-, Wasser- und Energiesektor steht im Fokus des Projekts FWE IN-SOURCE. Koordiniert an der HFT Stuttgart arbeiten Teams in Wien, New York City und Stuttgart gemeinsam an technologischen und sozio?konomischen Forschungsfragen in drei Fallstudien.

In dieser Abschlussveranstaltung m?chte das Projektteam sowohl eigene Ergebnisse pr?sentieren als auch Erfahrungen mit anderen FWE Nexus-Projekten austauschen. Wir freuen uns, Sie zu diesem hybriden Symposium am 14. und 15. September begrü?en zu dürfen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


Tuesday, 14. Sept.: CityGML, Common Database Food-Water-Energy ADE & Case Studies

Stuttgart/Vienna (CEST) 16.30-18.30 / New York (EST) 10.30 am-12.30 pm

Chair: Volker Coors, HFT Stuttgart, Germany

●???????? Welcome and Introduction (Volker Coors)

●???????? Rushikesh Padsala, HFT Stuttgart/Germany: Development and applications of the CityGML FWE ADE, SUGI* project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Andrea Valencia/Ni-bin Chang, University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando/USA: Integrating green infrastructure with food-energy-water nexus for decision support via system dynamics modeling, SUGI project ENLARGE

●???????? Florian Weidinger, Lisa Kaufmann, Barbara Smetschka, Karlheinz Erb, BOKU Vienna/Austria : HANPP footprint of densly populated areas - insights from two case studies in Ludwigsburg and Vienna, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Reiner Braun, Reutlingen University, Germany and Concordia University, Canada: Using 3D CityGML for the Modeling of the Food Waste and Wastewater Generation—A Case Study for the City of Montréal

●???????? Alfred Helble, AH Consult, Stuttgart/Germany: The Food-Water-Energy Nexus: Influence and development of the water sector, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Cecilia Dong (New York institute of Technology NYIT), Roberto Rojas-Cessa (New Jersey Institute of Technology NJIT) and Ahmed Mohamed (City College of the City University of New York): Comparative Analysis of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Diesel and Electric Trucks for Food Distribution in Gowanus District of New York City, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

*SUGI: Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative/Food-Water-Energy Nexus. A call jointly established by the Belmont Forum and the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe


Wednesday 15. Sept.: IN-SOURCE VisToolBox, Case Studies, Lessons Learned & next Steps

Stuttgart/Vienna (CEST) 13.30-17.30 / New York (EST) 7.30-11.30 am (with break)

Chair: Bastian Schr?ter, HFT Stuttgart, Germany

●???????? Ernst Gebetsroither-Geringer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology/Vienna: VisToolBox Introduction, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Lisa Kaufmann, Barbara Smetschka, Anna Kozlowska, Ernst Gebetsroither-Geringer, BOKU Vienna/Austria and AIT Vienna/Austria: Analysing and presenting footprints of urban land-use and food supply in Vienna - the interactive HANPP Explorer, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Ernst Gebetsroither-Geringer: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology/Vienna: FWE Land Use Simulator, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Keyu Bao, HFT Stuttgart/Germany: A comprehensive bottom-up simulation tool for assessing regional food, water and energy demands and potentials, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

Mentimeter tool evaluation


Break (15:15-15:45 / 9.15-9.45 am)


Chair: Barbara Smetschka

●???????? Pia Laborgne, European Institute for Energy Research EIFER, Karlsruhe/Germany: Introduction to the SUGI Creating Interfaces Project

●???????? Joao Porto/Carlos Cámara-Menoyo/Greg McInerny, University of Warwick/Great Britain: Co-creating the urban nexus visualisation and the results, SUGI Project Creating Interfaces

●???????? Jeffrey Raven, New York institute of Technology NYIT/USA: From Climate Research to Climate Action, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Michael Bobker, City College of New York/CUNY, USA: Gaining Infrastructure Agency Engagement, SUGI project IN-SOURCE

●???????? Jonas Bylund, Research & Innovation Officer, JPI Urban Europe Management Board: How is FEW Nexus approaches in sustainability research foreseen in the coming European Partnership Driving Urban Transition to a Sustainable Futures (DUT)?


Menimeter + Discussion on nexus approach/lessons learned




Flyer für das deutsche Projektgebiet

IN-SOURCE ist Teil der Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)/Food Water Energy Nexus (FWE), die von JPI Urban Europe und dem Belmont Forum ins Leben gerufen wurde und durch Mittel aus Horizon 2020 und nationalen F?rderern unterstützt wird.

Ver?ffentlichungsdatum: 14. April 2021