Prof. Dr. Patrick Planing


Prof. Dr. Patrick Planing

- Quantitative Forschungsmethoden

- Innovationsmanagement und Strategie

- Marketing & Vertrieb

365体育 Wirtschaftspsychologie
365体育 Wirtschaftspsychologie
365体育 Wirtschaftspsychologie & Business Transformation
+49 711 8926 2903
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  • Innovationsakzeptanz und Transformation
Experte für:


  • seit 2017

    Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der HFT Stuttgart

  • 2007-2017

    Mercedes-Benz AG: Business Innovation und Business Development, zuletzt Manager Digital Transformation Mercedes-Benz Cars.

  • 2009-2013

    PhD , Leeds Beckett University (UK) zum Thema Akzeptanz von Fahrerassistenzsystemen

  • 2006-2007

    MBA Hochschule Pforzheim und Brighton University (UK)


2020 - heute

Co-Founder AcceptanceLab - Forschungsgruppe zur Akzeptanzforschung (

2020 - heute

Leitung Plan G - Zeit zu Gründen. Hochschulweite Initiative zur F?rderung der Gründungskultur

2023 - heute

Leitung GROUNDBREAKERS Start-Up Accelerator (

Zum Projekt
Visualisierte Zukunftsvision des Projekts RE:New City /Visualized future vision of the project RE:New City


M4_LAB Innovative Hochschule

HFT-lnnovationslabor für die Metropolregion 4.0

Zum Projekt
Meeting eines Teams

iCity - Projektphase 1

Zum Projekt

RE:New City Incubator

RE:New City Incubator

Zum Projekt
Visualisierte Zukunftsvision des Projekts RE:New City /Visualized future vision of the project RE:New City


Zum Projekt
Modell des Volocopter 2X

iCity 2: EMO4iCity

Emissionsreduzierte Mobilit?t im Rahmen iCity

Zum Projekt


  • 2024

    Will air taxis extend public transportation? A scenario-based approach on user acceptance in different urban settings. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 23, 101001.

  • 2023

    Autonomous Racing as the Future of Motorsport. The Future of Motorsports: Business, Politics and Society, 160.

  • 2023

    User needs over time: the market and technology maturity model (MTMM). Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 39.

  • 2022

    Buying NFTs to Support Artists? The Impact of Moral Values on the Acceptance of NFTs. In 2023 International Conference on Information Management (ICIM) (pp. 98-103). IEEE.

  • 2021

    The effect of a functional prototype on user acceptance in transportation: Assessing the level of acceptance before and after the first demonstration flight of an air taxi. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021): 100444.

  • 2020

    Air Taxis as a Mobility Solution for Cities—Empirical Research on Customer Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility. In??Innovations for Metropolitan Areas. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2020. 93-103.

  • 2020

    Trust in Partially Automated Driving Systems for Trucks: A Quantitative Empirical Study. In?Innovations for Metropolitan Areas?(pp. 133-143). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  • 2019

    Acceptance of air taxis-A field study during the first flight of an air taxi in a European city (Preprint available at

  • 2019

    Digital Automation of Customer Contact Processes–an Empirical Research on Customer Acceptance of different Chatbot Use-cases. In: Digitalen Wandel gestalten. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2019. S. 217-229.

  • 2018

    Towards a circular economy – how business model innovation will help to make the shift (2018), in Int. J. Business and Globalisation, vol. 20 issue 1, pp.71–83.

  • 2018

    Acceptance of shared autonomous vehicles-a correspondence analysis of new car buyer attitudes. International Journal of Sales, Retailing & Marketing, 2018, 7. Jg., Nr. 2.

  • 2018

    Innovationsstrategien für die digitale Transformation von Industrieunternehmen (2018), in Innovationsmanagement 4.0, V?lker, R. and Friesenhahn A. (Eds.), pp. 67-72

  • 2017

    On the origin of innovations—the opportunity vacuum as a conceptual model for the explanation of innovation (2017), in Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, vol. 6 issue 5, pp. 1-18

  • 2017

    Will digital boost circular? Evaluating the impact of the digital transformation on the shift towards a circular economy (2017), in International Journal of Management Cases, vol. 19 issue 1, pp. 22-31

  • 2017

    The Digital Business Transformation Paths from Manufacturer to Digital Ecosystem Provider - Analyzing the Strategic Options of Large Corporations towards Digitalization (2017), in Allied Academies International Conference Proceedings, Vol. 18 (2), pp. 74-78

  • 2016

    Business Model Innovation in a Circular Economy - Reasons for Non-Acceptance of Circular Business Models (2016), in Open Journal of Business Model Innovation, Vol.1(1)

  • 2015

    Measuring consumer innovativeness: An empirical re-evaluation of Roger’s Innovativeness Scale (2015), in International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing, Vol.4 (2), pp.86-96

  • 2014

    Innovation Acceptance - The Case of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (2014), in SpringerGabler Research, Wiesbaden

  • 2014

    Applications of psychological constructs in global empirical consumer acceptance research: a meta-study (2014), in Int. Journal of Business and Globalisation, Vol. 12 (1), 2014

  • 2012

    Understanding consumer acceptance of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems – a qualitative study on the German market (2012), in International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing, Vol.1 (3), pp.32-40

  • 2012

    Consumer acceptance of product innovations – a qualitative approach (2012), in Entrepreneurial Communications, Access Press UK

  • 2011

    The role of brand trust in the individual decision process towards the use of new technologies: An empirical investigation (2011), in The Psychology of Education Review, vol. 35 issue 1, pp. 8-11

  • 2011

    Ver?nderte Kundenwünsche als Chance zur Differenzierung. Herausforderungen für das Marketing am Beispiel neuer Mobilit?tskonzepte (2011), in Zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Mobilit?t - Betriebswirtschaftliche und technische Aspekte

  • 2011

    A critical literature review on consumer acceptance of product innovation (2011), in International Journal of Management Cases, vol. 13 issue 3, pp. 235-241


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