

Logo AGSE 2021

AGSE 2021

Geospatial Technology in Times of Global Challenges

The conference will take place in online mode November 24 – 26 (plus workshops), 2021, at Katmandu University organized by the Department of Geomatics Engineering, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University and the Geospatial Department of Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany, co-organized by the Laboratory for interoperable, and open-source Geospatial Software, Data and Standards (HFT ICA-OSGeo-Lab).

This event is supported and sponsored by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) by means of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), by Kathmandu University and Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences. Hence registration is required, but it will be?a free and open conference.


  • Janak Raj Joshi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation
  • Matthias Ruchser, Coordinator Outreach, Public Affairs Team,?Crop Trust: The Loss of Biodiversity: - Climate Change as a security risk.
    Mr Ruchser has a strong background in different aspects of climate change. In his talk he will introduce the impact of a worlswide network of seed data bases can contribute to the relaisation of SDG 2, 12 and 13
  • Prof. Behr: OGC and ISO Geoinformatics standards in the context of SDIs, SDGs, VGI and Open Data
  • Prof. M?ller: Continuous Remote Sensing Imagery - from Micro to Macro Scale (t.b.c)


AGSE 2021 comprises invited talks, presentations and workshops regarding topics like Agriculture and Food Security, Land use, Regional planning, Support for Economics using Spatial IT, Development of infrastructure, Public Health, Open Source and Open Data, Recent Developments in Geospatial IT, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

For paper submission please see the?Paper submission platform (easychair).?

Please also visit us on the pages:

Registration for AGSE 2021 (EVEENO)

Ver?ffentlichungsdatum: 08. November 2021 Von J?rg Hepperle ()